
A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance."


Amy Poehler was only seven years older than Rachel McAdams when she took on the role of "cool mom" in Mean Girls.


Carrots were originally purple in color, the orange ones we know today emerged from the Netherlands in the 1600s.


Venus is the only planet in our solar system to spin clockwise.


Beethoven composed his Ninth Symphony while he was completely deaf.


Chocolate, or rather the cacao bean, was used as currency by Aztecs Mayans.


The continent of Asia has both the highest point (Mount Everest) and lowest point (Dead Sea) in the world.


The first commercially successful video game was "Pong", created by Atari in 1972. This simple simulation of table tennis marked the start of the video gaming industry.


Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant on Earth. In fact, the Chinese mōsō bamboo can grow almost a meter in a single day.


Olympic gold medals are not made entirely of gold. They are mostly made of silver, with at least 6 grams of gold plating.


Some sea otters hold hands while sleeping to help prevent drifting apart.


Honey never spoils; archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3000 years old but still edible.


There are over 8000 active man-made satellites orbiting Earth.


Legolas only exchanges one line with Frodo in the entire Lord of The Rings trilogy, the line being "And you have my bow".


Minecraft is the best selling video game of all time at an approximate of 300 million copies sold, beating Grand Theft Auto V and Tetris.


Vatican City is the smallest state in the world not only by area but also population.


With 5 wins Brazil is the country that has won the most world cups and is also one of only two countries to have won consecutive titles.


The Spice Girls didn't choose their own name but rather an article in the magazine Top of the Pops gave each member a nickname based on their personality.


Your nose is always in your field of vision but your brain filters it out, thanks brain!


Cleopatra lived closer in time to today than she did to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza.


It's believed that it rains diamonds deep within Neptune and Uranus.


One of the primary ways honey bees communicate through is dance, known as the "waggle dance".


Cashews grow on trees in fruits called cashew apples, each apple produces only one cashew!


There are more trees on Earth than there are stars in The Milky Way and these trees produce about 30% of all oxygen in the air!


The video game Sims has its own language called Simlish which is a combination of multiple real languages. "Sul Sul" is hello in Simlish!


Your eyes have a separate immune system from your regular one, called the ocular immune system.


43% of NBA championships have been won by two teams, The Lakers and The Celtics.


None of The Beatles could read or write music.


Fantasmagorie, a french animated film from 1908, is considered to be one of the earliest examples of traditional hand-drawn animation.


A camel can drink 200 liters (53 gallons) of water in three minutes. They also have three eyelids to protect from blowing desert sand.


The coldest star found has a surface temperature of under 100 degrees celsius, lower than the boiling point of water!


There are over 3 billion gamers worldwide!


There are over 700 hieroglyphs in the ancient Egyptian alphabet, some representing single sounds and others representing the object the letter looks like.


The fruit salad tree can grow multiple types of fruit like apricots, peaches and plums all on the same tree!


The North Pole only has one sunrise and sunset every year. In the summer the sun is always above the horizon and below it in the winter.


The world record for holding one's breath underwater the longest is 24 minutes and 37 seconds.


A group of crows is called a "murder of crows". Spooky!


The original name for Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars franchise was Luke Starkiller.


The cosmonaut Aleksandr Serebrov was the first person to play a video game in space, he played Tetris on the Game Boy.


The longest professional baseball game took place in 1981 and was between the Rochester Red Wings and the Pawtucket Red Sox. It went on for 8 hours and 25 minutes


The International Space Station orbits around the Earth once every 90 minutes, that's 16 round trips a day!


Peanuts aren't nuts but legumes and grow underground like beans and lentils.